
Monday, July 8, 2013

First Tomatoes Despite All The Rain

My garden was pretty soggy yesterday. Fortunately I have raised beds so only the pathways between had any standing water when I checked in the morning. By evening the water had drained. I spent a good hour pulling weeds.

I picked and ate my first tomato, a little St. Nick grape variety. It tasted so good! Like all cherry type tomatoes it has a lot of fruit on every branch. Most of the fruit is still green but I expect by this evening I'll have one or two more grapes tomatoes to enjoy as I work pulling all those weeds that just loved the rain!
Carolina Gold yellow tomato ripening soon.
I buy my tomato plants at Evers Greenhouse in Genntown on Rt. 42, just north of the Walmart. I like Evers for the variety of plants they offer. In past years I've purchased bedding plants and perennials there also.

This year I am trying for the first time Cherokee Purple, German Johnson, Amish Paste  and this little St. Nick grape.  I also purchased several full sized yellow tomatoes called Carolina Gold, a couple of Brandywines and my standby Rutgers. For slicing I got a couple of Burpees Big Boys, always a reliable tomatoes. 
This is the first full sized tomato that is almost ripe. It's suppose to be a Brandywine but the tag says Carolina Gold. There is another Carolina Gold right next to it, so I think I just put the wrong tag out.  You can see it has some damage which is not surprising given the weather we have had. Tomatoes prefer dry conditions.

All together I put out 14 plants representing at least eight varieties. In my opinion, you can never have too many tomatoes.

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