
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Volunteering at my Garden Club

I belong to several non-profit social clubs that do good things for the community.  I get a lot of personal satisfaction from belonging to these organizations and although my museum work keeps me busy a lot of weekends (as well as my farm work)  I try to be a good member and volunteer when I can.
Connie Tunnison and Chris Earnhart  of Town & Country Garden Club serve guests..

Recently I volunteered for my garden club, selling drinks and snacks to visitors to Thomas the Tank Engine.

The Lebanon Council of Garden Clubs owns and operates the Lebanon Station at the corner of Broadway and South Streets. The city of Lebanon owns the tracks and leases the tracks to the LM&M Railroad to operate excursion trains between Lebanon and Mason.

Years ago that corner of Broadway and South Streets was an eyesore with a rotting old abandoned train station greeting folks as they came into town from the south.  Doris Corson and a lot of other garden club members worked tirelessly to raise the money to replace the rotten building with a new attractive train station styled building in keeping with the historic look of downtown. Long time Lebanon Garden Club member Lynn Ankerstar told me that Doris and the others wanted a pretty building surrounded by a garden  that would grace the south entrance of Lebanon while providing meeting space for the garden club members. Most people would agree the garden club's Lebanon Station is a major asset to down town Lebanon.
Who wouldn't want their kids pictures here?

Our garden club members work throughout the year to raise funds to maintain the station building and its lovely garden.  One of our best fund raisers is selling drinks and snacks to Thomas the Tank Engine visitors.  Thomas the Tank Engine comes to town each year for two weekends in September.  Hundreds of families come to ride the excursion train and have "A day out with Thomas". 

The Garden Clubs are responsible for many of the public gardens around town, but the garden around the station is our pride and joy.

There are three garden clubs that make up the Lebanon Council of Garden Clubs.  I belong to Town & Country and we are always looking for new members.  Cedar City Garden Club and Lebanon Garden Club also welcome new members. We provide many services to the community including scholarships to horticulture students and we support several national service projects. We meet in the evenings for a short program on garden topics, coffee and dessert.  Anyone interested in joining us can contact me at the museum at 513-932-1817.

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