
Thursday, October 3, 2013

In Praise of Old Favorites

I have a small round perennial bed at the edge of my vegetable garden dedicated to bee and butterfly plants. It surrounds the grave of my sweet little kitty, Nico who was killed by coyotes two years ago.

By July 1 I had planted a new butterfly bush to replace the one I killed with too much pruning last winter, three blue salvias, a beard's tongue and an anise hyssop all to attract bees and butterflies.
These joined the Stella Dora lilies I'd planted two years ago.

There was little bits of open space so I dug out all my out-of-date marigold and zinnia seeds and sprinkled them around. Every year at the end of the season I buy marigold and zinnia seeds thinking I'll plant them and never do. The seeds were old so I didn't expect much but I thought I might get a few flowers.

In the picture below you can see a little bit of the lilies in the front and the butterfly bush on the right but everything else has been covered by tall zinnias.

Such a pretty display all summer and now holding their own as well in the fall.
When I planted the zinnias I had no idea they would grow that tall.  I think the packages said 12 to 18 inches.  I amended the soil with well rotted cow manure and covered the seeds with potting soil to help them sprout easily, but otherwise nothing special.  This is also a well drained area, so they got plenty of moisture but were not soggy. I've been so pleased with the display and they have been great for cut flower arrangements. I won't forget to plant these old favorites again next year.

At the same time I had a nine pack of little marigolds. I planted them at the end of this bed of mint and other herbs. Most of the time the mint takes over, but these little guys held them back. .

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