
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Getting the farm ready for winter.

The yearling bulls sold and are now breeding cows on a farm near Maysville, KY. Now it is time to decide which females to sell and to wean the spring calves.  Here is a video of the herd including Bobby the Angus bull walking through a gate into the woods next to the house.
They all lock great after a nice cool summer on lush pastures.  Even Violet, who was suffering from ergot poisoning is doing much better and walking along just fine. The oldest cow, Buttercup, looks very well as does Valentine, the first Limousin born on the farm and the mother of some very wonderful bulls and heifers. She is 14. Her twin heifers from 2013 are coming along very well though they are still not as big as the rest of the 2013 heifers.  At the end you will meet April.  April is visiting from a neighbor's farm.  She was a bottle baby and is still not totally convinced that she is a cow.

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