
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Alpaca Lawn Mowers

The herd grazing the barnyard grass. 
We've had such warm weather this month and the grass in the yards around here has grown enough that I noticed some people mowed again this third week of December.  Last year we were covered in snow all month!

Since the alpacas seem to be only interested in eating grass I've been letting them out in the yard to "mow" the lawn, much like folks used to do with sheep long ago.  The alpacas nibble the grass down very short.

This morning though I notice Hollywick munching some ajuga, also known as bugle weed.  I love this semi evergreen ground cover. It is very hardy, covers the ground quickly, blocks most weeds and has beautiful blue spikes of flowers in the spring that go so well with daffodils.  
Belle and the ISA Brown hens hang out near by.
I had not however, counted on the alpacas finding it tasty.  A quick check of a couple of plant sources told me that all was well - ajuga is not poisonous to animals.                                                              

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