L to R Jasper and Little Joe
All the cats are now neutered, which makes life a lot less troublesome, but that doesn't keep the boys from wanting to spend the night out hunting. I let them go each evening, wondering if they will make it through until morning. Owls, coyotes, wild dogs - any number of dangers might befall them. The alternative is seven cats in the house, so I let them take their chances. Pictured above is two of the four brothers, Jasper and Little Joe. Joe is the sweetest of the two. He's skinny and sleeps a lot. this is his favorite chair. They have all come in this morning and had their breakfast. Now they will nap until I'm ready to go leave for work. Most of them will choose to go outside for the day - unless its raining.
Jasper, Little Joe and Nico on his favorite sleeping spot.
In the picture above, Nico appears to be watching the other two cats. In reality, Nico is dozing. I know that because he is also snoring. Eventually he will relax enough to curl up and sleep. It doesn't matter where I place this stool, Nico will claim it for his spot. I've noticed that since the other boys are all neutered, Nico has quit peeing in my shoes. I am careful to keep my shoes off the floor, but now and then I forget and leave a pair in his way. He also seems to have quit peeing on the floor registers. Let's hope the trend continues.
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