The pumpkin is getting bigger every day. It's about ten inches across now, which gives you some idea of the size of the leaves. Most of them are about 18 inches across!
I think it is official. The plant that grew with elephant sized leaves out of the compost pile is a pumpkin. It had set a small fruit about two weeks ago, but I wasn't really sure what it was until this week. Since the rains last week, the plant is setting fruit like crazy and there are little pumpkins about the size of good sized oranges all over it. But this, the first and for a while, only pumpkin on the vines is growing best of all. It is now a good ten inches across and growing quickly. I think its the only pumpkin on the vine that has a chance to mature before frost. I hope it makes it, I'd love to save some seeds.
Here's one of the new little pumpkins that have come on since the rain. The bigger pumpkin was this size two weeks ago. |
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