Friday, May 31, 2013

Poinsettia Update

Just after Christmas I wrote a piece about keeping your Christmas poinsettia until next Christmas.  I kept two of mine in the south facing windows of my dining room and have had very different experiences with each.  The plant pictured on the left looked very good until early April, then it dropped all its leaves.  The one on the right didn't change much until the beginning of May. At that time it began adding green leaves on top of the red ones. They each sit in a different south facing window about six feet apart. Maybe the one on the left got more sun and dried out more. Not sure why the difference.
I'm sure its time to put them outside for the summer. They also need to be fed. I hate to put them out for fear of storms - lost a big tree in the yard this afternoon - it took out the barbed wire fence into the pasture.  Something more to deal with tomorrow or I'll cows all over the neighborhood!
Both treated equally, but one lost its leaves and one didn't.

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