Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fleabane and Goldfinch

Last summer I allowed a clump of daisy fleabane to bloom in one of my flower beds. It repaid me by providing me a huge new crop of daisy fleabane plants all over the bed. I've been pulling these "volunteers" out by the arm load all weekend.  Unlike the lovely little forget-me-nots that gifted me with drifts of radiant blue flowers, the daisy fleabane is tall and scraggly in the wet weather. There must be a lesson in there somewhere, just not sure what it is. Perhaps I will be visited with a plaque of fleas this year.

I've been watching a pair of Goldfinch this weekend. Saturday they were in the field behind the house busy in the tall grass. This morning I spoted them zinging across the bull pasture with their distinctive roller coaster flying style. They ended up flitting around the the fences near the chicken house.  They appeared to be having fun just being together. Goldfinch don't nest until late in the season when the thistles bloom, as they like to use the thistle down to line their nests. This pair seemed to be having a lot of fun, but I am sure they are just checking out possible nest sites.

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