More seed catalogs arrived this week and I noticed that several of them lead with information for market gardeners. I'm sure this is following the growing trend in farmer's markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) growers.
Cover photo from John Scheepers catalog.
The + John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds has a great color picture on the cover, but the inside is all text and little line drawings which is fine with me, as the text is very informative giving good growing and harvesting information. For example, after reading the instructions for growing Belgium Endive I felt certain I could be successful with that seed. Scheepers also carries some items I've not seen before such as parsley root. The catalog says it is popular in Europe for soups and stews and it looks like a white carrot. This vegetable is not a parsnip (that item is listed just above the listing for parsley root. On the same page is listed salsify, turnips and rutabagas. The description for rutabagas makes them sound delicious! His prices are reasonable as well. A packet of 800 rutabaga seeds is just $2.95.
Some kind of new fangled greens harvesters for market gardeners from Johnny's |
Johnny's Selected Seeds is one of the most respected growers in the business. Their field trials are legendary and you can always count on their products to be top rate. This year they are touted a new "innovation in lettuce" they call Salanova. Its a line of high yielding salad greens and the photos as fabulous. The tag line says "42% more yield and revenue" so I've got to give them a try.
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