Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Slaughter Date

Well, its official. I have a new butcher and a new slaughter date for my beef steer. The new butcher was recommended to me by three different people who know about such things. The butcher is located in Medway, Ohio and will vacuum seal the meat - which is something I've heard is the very best way to keep freezer beef.

I've decided I am not going to call him by name anymore, its just too difficult.  But I am happy to have found him a good private butcher who will treat him with care and respect. Otherwise, I would have been forced to ship him to the sale barn and you know what happens to those animals - yep - they go to the big packers and who knows what happens to them there. So, my steer will have his last day December 15 and be home in my freezer some time between Christmas and New Years.

I've pre-sold most of the meat so the proceeds from the sale will be used to pay my real estate taxes and buy hay for his mother and sister. It's a good thing.

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